Dream Big

What makes me really happy is when I find out that someone I know is pursuing their dream job. I had that moment, recently and it makes me so happy. If I was that person to randomly applaud them for that, I would. But since I’m an awkward duck, I wouldn’t be doing that.

I say this because most people, you usually get a practical degree, business. No offense for business majors but when someone gets a degree, they actually choose for themselves. Like a hobby turning to a career. Its gives me goosebumps.

And even if you don’t go college, don’t give up on your hobbies. For one day, they may surprise you and you could make it a career.

I write stories and since I actually haven’t published anything with getting money from, I don’t worry about it. Because I am getting closer and closer. I do plan on publishing something, next year and sure, I can quit my job and do that full time, yet. But I write because I love it and I will wait for years if I have to. I will not force something to only get failure.

One thing, I want to state is NEVER NEVER NEVER let anyone discourage you. That will tear you down and make you want to stop. Don’t listen to the hate. Always hope. Always show patience. There is a better light ahead.

And no, it will not come overnight like most people wish it was. I want to instantly make money, to be famous. Well, here is the truth. Its not going to happen if you have that mindset. You keep thinking like that and you will never get there.

Start by making mini goals. It doesn’t have to be big. Start practicing. Find a website that you can start publishing your work. wattpad, deviantart, or you can get an instagram and share your art (poetry, music, drawing, painting, video, etc).

Slowly but surely, you will get noticed. Someone will appreciate your work that you could be offered a job.

Dream big. Be bold. Be brave. Wait patiently. Show the haters that you can tower over them. And never never give up. The future may feel far away but it is closer than you think.

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