Dream Big

What makes me really happy is when I find out that someone I know is pursuing their dream job. I had that moment, recently and it makes me so happy. If I was that person to randomly applaud them for that, I would. But since I’m an awkward duck, I wouldn’t be doing that.

I say this because most people, you usually get a practical degree, business. No offense for business majors but when someone gets a degree, they actually choose for themselves. Like a hobby turning to a career. Its gives me goosebumps.

And even if you don’t go college, don’t give up on your hobbies. For one day, they may surprise you and you could make it a career.

I write stories and since I actually haven’t published anything with getting money from, I don’t worry about it. Because I am getting closer and closer. I do plan on publishing something, next year and sure, I can quit my job and do that full time, yet. But I write because I love it and I will wait for years if I have to. I will not force something to only get failure.

One thing, I want to state is NEVER NEVER NEVER let anyone discourage you. That will tear you down and make you want to stop. Don’t listen to the hate. Always hope. Always show patience. There is a better light ahead.

And no, it will not come overnight like most people wish it was. I want to instantly make money, to be famous. Well, here is the truth. Its not going to happen if you have that mindset. You keep thinking like that and you will never get there.

Start by making mini goals. It doesn’t have to be big. Start practicing. Find a website that you can start publishing your work. wattpad, deviantart, or you can get an instagram and share your art (poetry, music, drawing, painting, video, etc).

Slowly but surely, you will get noticed. Someone will appreciate your work that you could be offered a job.

Dream big. Be bold. Be brave. Wait patiently. Show the haters that you can tower over them. And never never give up. The future may feel far away but it is closer than you think.

50 Facts about Me

  1. The quietest ones are the dangerous- told by a guy at Dollar General
  2. Pain should not let you lose opportunities of happiness.
  3. Being in solitude is dangerous- me 70% of the time
  4. Real friends support each other
  5. Grief and Loss is probably one of the hardest thing to heal from 
  6. Don’t blame people because of a problem you have.
  7. The problem is usually inside of you and mental health
  8. Writing words are easier than physical interaction
  9. Smiling can be one of the easiest things to do and the hardest to fake
  10. Falling for someone can the biggest and worst surprise, you can receive
  11. Falling for someone is the easiest thing to do but the hardest things to explain why when you have no idea why you fell for that person
  12. Deciding not to college because money is not cheap and I’m  one of those indecisive people ever and also, I want to do all the degrees.
  13. It’s so easy to lose someone, who you would think would stay with you forever.
  14. Be a voice when some people can’t.
  15. When your grief and trust issues doesn’t let you get close to someone again.
  16. Friends always come to end but books are forever since oo and be combined into the infinity sign.
  17. I am a popular loner. 
  18. Tired of the fakeness, people give me
  19. Liking someone doesn’t mean we have to  jump right into a romantic relationship
  20. Please flirt with someone near your age, not me thank you very much. 
  21. I know a lot about makeup but still can’t do liquid liner. 
  22. All I really need is Jesus.
  23. The best friend you can have is your siblings. They are stuck with you until death. 
  24. My stories will always be the opposite of squeaky clean Christian Fiction
  25. The saddest thing is when your co-workers text chat is blowing up your phone, then the chat you made for your church friends. 
  26. When you try to get something together but no one thinks it’s a good idea to actually text back. 
  27. Always feeling ghosted by people you care for
  28. Tired of being taken for granted
  29. Would rather hear your fears, dislikes, emotions than hear how school is controlling your life?
  30. My best friend is Jesus.
  31. Sister are better than people who pretend to be your sister
  32. If I unfollow you, it’s because I’m tired of the fakeness and the little effort you show towards me
  33. I prefer the physical interaction than the ongoing online interaction, I get.
  34. I prefer to talk to someone in person than text messages
  35. Done giving out second chances
  36. If I write something dedicated to you, you are special to me
  37. Fake people are not worth my time
  38. Memories hurt the worst especially if they are about people, you once knew to love. 
  39. If you tell to look at someone in your perspective, I’m sorry but your perspective will not change my opinion
  40. Attracted to glasses, nature lover, Jesus lover, thinkers/observers
  41. I value honesty and loyalty
  42. Wishing to find people who don’t remind me of your old self
  43. My passion is to help people in both my day and night job. 
  44. My night job is a writer
  45. I’m an advocate for the voiceless
  46. My writing is not squeaky clean Christian fiction
  47. The topics I write about are the nitty gritty and dark, the world wishes to hide away
  48. It hurts the worst when the person you once knew as a friend is now a stranger to you
  49. Breaking free for the silence, I once bottled up inside
  50. Show love to everyone. I don’t care about the color of your skin, your religion, your political party. Don’t treat people harshly because they don’t look like you. Hatred is not a great quality. It never was.

Thanks for reading part one of I’m a open book, tune in next week for another 50 facts about me.

New Beginnings

Hello, owlnerds. I have decided to change the focus of this blog. I know. I know. I have been down in my game recently. I have been writing posts on poetry and such but don’t worry the change will boost my influence in my blog. and I will post once a week possibly twice a week.

For so long, I thought I could manage a book blog but recently I have been uninspired. So my blog will be dedicated to health, beauty, fashion, and books. My blog will always be a home for books but will not be a prime focus

And if you saw already, my new motto is “One step in the soul and one step out of the body.” The meaning behind is that I am focusing on myself and careless of the body. I am healing in a mental/spiritual journey. For the longest time, I thought of the negative thoughts but now I am looking for happier thoughts. Learning to love myself. The flesh is a dark place, so not allowing the body to take over me. To use my soul to guide me through God’s Word.

New Blog Schedule: Mondays and sometimes Fridays

To new beginnings. Thanks for reading!!!

Downton Abbey Series Review

All Spoilers are revealed. If you love Downton Abbey, leave now. This is dislike rant. A “hate” of this TV show. This is my opinions so you can dislike what I say but please don’t hate me in the comment section below. Lets begin..

Downton Abbey:

Downton Abbey is a historical period drama television series set in England in the early 20th century, created by Julian Fellowes and co-produced by Carnival Films and Masterpiece. (Wikipedia summary, not mine)

To describe the main characters in one word.

Robert Crawley: Pig, slut Reason: when his wife was sick, he decides to sleep with the lady’s maid, yikes.

Cora Crawley: Flirt

Lady Mary: Slut, Slut, and slut…. Sleeping with the foreign guy, he dies.. and then she is part of a scandal.. Sleeps with a man for a week and then refuses to marry him.. And somehow doesn’t sleep with the two people she marries… ok then…

Lady Edith: Adulterer and Blackmailer, She is a slut but didn’t choose to sleep with every guy she liked which was rare. First guy she sleeps with, gets pregnant, has a child and goes crazy and instead of telling her parents, she hides for the longest time only for the father found out last…

Lady Sybil: A “rebel”.. aka she married a man lower than her class… my favorite..

Footman Thomas: Gay, and no one is wants to tell the law but everyone knows he is gay.. ok then.


Sex scenes in detail, details mentioned above, maids hooking up with guests of their boss,

Sodomites: Thomas, footman, Philip, Duke of Crowborough

Everybody gets away. Edith gets her happy ending even when she tells the truth about her daughter

Love: Feud between Isobel and Violet


OTP John and Anna Bates

Lady Rose’s behavior

Rating the show: 2.9 star… I am not that heartless

I would recommend for those who would like to watch it.. be 18+.. The first episode surprised me when I first watched it.. If you enjoy BBC or Poldark and can surpass the inappropriateness of the show, you will probably like it.

What show or movie, should I review next?

In the comments below, let me what your review is on this show…

Life Update

Happy Memorial Day!! Or happy Monday to all my international owlnerds.

I hope you enjoyed your day.. You could say I did… but I did start a second part time job today. (I will not be sharing that information).


This months total:

Writing: 5.5k words

Read: 2 books…

Three songs on repeat:

Only Want You by Rita Ora

What A Time by Julia Michaels

Out of Love by Alessia Cara

Next month goals:

write 5k words

Finish a writing project and possibly sharing it online.

Read: 5 books

Thanks for reading!!! Be back next week for a new blog post!!

April Goals

We are now a quarter of the year done.

I have read thirty-two books out of my hundred goal.

I have done two out of fifteen of my New Year’s Resolution.

This year has gone fast. Spring is here.

For the month of April, I am planning on doing Camp NaNoWriMo. Here is my profile.

Hopefully, I will get at least 5,000 words done.

Camp NaNoWriMo is a virtual writer’s retreat, designed for maximum flexibility and creativity. There are  “camp” sessions in both April and July. For each month, writers are willing to tackle any writing projects and try to get a certain amount of words done in a month. Word count can be as small as 30 to 1,000,000 words.

My reading goal, this month is around eight books.  I would do more but this month is a crazy month.

I am also doing a sugar and gluten free diet as well.

Any plans for this month?

Thanks for reading!




Liebster Award

Welcome Back. Hope you are having a great day so far.

I was nominated for the Liebster Award by  Emmaline.

Thanks, Emmaline, for the nomination.

The Rules

  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2. Answer the 11 questions they gave you.
  3. Name 11 facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 11 bloggers to do this tag, and let them know you nominated them.
  5. Give them 11 questions to answer.



  1. What is the main topic of your blog {or category?} Lifestyle/Books
  2. What is one thing you learned that will stick with you? That no one should be judged by their appearance.  But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).
  3. What is one hobby of yours? Photography
  4. What is your favorite season of the year? Fall
  5. Do you have any siblings? Yes.
  6. What is one thing you never tell people about yourself that you’d like to? I am one of the few girls in my family that didn’t take ballet.
  7. What {or who} inspires you? Jesus, Carrie Underwood, Lauren Daigle
  8. Do you like chocolate? {if so, what kind?} Dark Chocolate or anything with peanut butter in it.
  9. What’s your favorite candy? Milky Way
  10. What is your dream job? World photographer and author.
  11. Tell me one random thing about the room you’re in right now.  I have Christmas lights dangling in my closet.

11 Random Facts about me:

  1. My favorite time period to read is the Salem Witch Trials or the gothic era.
  2. I enjoy listening to depressing music.
  3. I can play a little bit of piano.
  4. I love wearing black and blue.
  5. My favorite poet is Edgar Allan Poe.
  6. I love the Classics.
  7. I want to be an archaeologist until I saw all the requirements for it.
  8. I did karate and softball when I was younger.
  9. My element would be fire.
  10. I am a mixture of a tomboy/bookworm.
  11. Writing calms me down.


I Nominate:

@bookish beginnings



Kate Flournoy

11 Questions

  1. What came first the chicken or egg?
  2. What is your superpower?
  3. What is your favorite drink?
  4. Any allergies?
  5. Favorite TV Show?
  6. Favorite childhood book?
  7. Love or hate makeup?
  8. Junky or Healthy?
  9. Homeschool, Private, or Public Schooled?
  10. Favorite holiday? Why?
  11. Favorite book genre(s)?


Thanks for reading





The plague of wanderlust

Have you experienced that great urge to travel? Imagining your toes between the sands of a foreign beach? Ziplining through the forbidden jungle? I know I can’t be the only one. The only problem is that you are broke. Or have no idea where to begin? Me, too.

Since I have no idea where to begin. Let me explain. One of my dreams is to become a world traveler. A very unrealistic dream, I know. Even a travel blogger would be nice but still clueless about what God’s plan for me is; I just had to be content with what I have right in front of me.

 Image from Tumblr

^ .^ this picture is so cool. It would make a cool travel tattoo. But enough of that. I am getting off topic.

I have decided to mention several places where I hope to travel to since visiting every country is unrealistic. Unless somehow, I become a bestseller author which still seems impossible.

Readers: Its still off topic.

Me: Fine.

One of the first travel experiences, I hope to have is to go to Nashville, Tennessee. If you know me, I love country music. The Grand Old Opry, Country Hall of Fame, Parthenon,  Music City Tiny House etc. You get the idea.

The Grand Ole Opry, an American icon and Nashville, Tennessee’s number-one attraction, is world-famous for creating one-of-a-kind entertainment experiences for audiences of all ages.  The Grand Ole Opry promotes the music of everyone from senior citizens Jimmy Dickens and Jean Shepard to hotshot youngsters Dierks Bentley, Trace Adkins and Brad Paisley. This multi-generational approach has served the show well for more than 80 years. It is one reason why the Opry can say with pride that it is "Th(image from Pinterest)


I really want to go to the Redwood forest. Its another dream of mine. I actually got a brochure from them after doing an assignment from my English textbook, Rod, and Staff.

Forest Floor, The Redwoods, California(image from Pinterest)


(image from Pinterest)

Indonesia: The culture, animals, and landscape Everything, really. I love it. I really want to see Komodo dragons up close. I know its really dangerous but I really want to.

Bali, Indonesia (want to go) www.villapantaibali.com  Don't forget when traveling that electronic pickpockets are everywhere. Always stay protected with an Rfid Blocking travel wallet. https://igogeer.com for more information. #igogeer(image from Pinterest)

Of course, I pick one of most expensive places to go, Japan and no its not because of Pokemon. Ok, maybe it is.

Pokemon Center TOKYO   http://www.pokemon.co.jp/gp/pokecen/english/

(image from Pinterest)

To this. Love the landscape and Mount Fuji.

Mount Fuji, Honshu Island, Japan(image from Pinterest)

Beautiful Fields in Hillside Hokkaido, Japan

Beautiful Fields in Hillside Hokkaido, Japan

Life got even better. Owl Cafes exist in Japan. I LOVE OWLS.

Owl Cafes Exist In Japan, Which Is Yet Another Reason To Move There Immediately/ A number have sprung up over the past year, in Tokyo and Osaka.

My heritage is in Scotland and Ireland. So of course, I want to go my ancestor’s land.

Wicklow Mountains National Park, County Clare, Ireland

wicklow mountains national park, county clare, ireland • ste cullen(image from Pinterest)

Edinburgh Library, Edinburgh, Scotland

Edinburgh Library, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Kilchurn Castle in Scotland

Kilchurn Castle in Scotland.(image from Pinterest)

I continue this list forever. To see other places I hope to travel to, Check out my Pinterest board, Be Adventurous.

Where do you hope to travel to? Where have you been?

Thanks for reading!




How to impress a girl

Since Valentine’s day is just around the corner, I decided to give you advice on how to impress a girl. Share this with all dudes.  It’s for your safety,men.

1) Please don’t call a girl hot. She is not a temperature. She is human. Show some respect.

2) Girls have to be modest. Doesn’t mean you have to be immodest. Be modest in your clothing choices.

3) When talking to a girl, don’t talk about yourself. Let her know that you care about her needs too.

4) Don’t be afraid to talk with the girl’s friends. Even if what they are talking about makes no sense.

5) Be respectful to other people.

6) Don’t be ugly to other people in front of her.

7) Use common sense.

8) If you think you are going to have a future with a girl, show her that you can handle kids. Hang out with kids.

9) Be honest. Please if you like her, tell her. Please. I am begging you.

10) Whatever you do, don’t respond negatively if a girl asks you, “Do I look fat in his dress?” or “Do I look pretty” or whatever. Unless you really want your eyeballs to be scratched out.

11) Never compare women with other women. If you do, you can say goodbye to that girl.

12) Never ever talk about your ex, or girls you used to like. Just don’t go there.

13) Finally never, ever, never, ever, etc. Tell a girl that she dresses like your mom. Not to be rude but just don’t do it. Or you can say goodbye forever.

Thanks for reading!




Journal Entry 2

I am on a quest. A quest to find what I am. Taking photos of buildings, faces, and stuff in general. Studying up the art of tea. Possibly doing a business management degree. Honestly, I have no idea.

From chef, firefighter, counselor, lobbyist, teacher, vet, neurologist, photographer, and surgical tech. I don’t know what I want to be.

I am like a wheel of fortune still finding my dream career. Like one thing than several months later change my mind.

At the moment, I have some type of freelance business surrounded by tea, books, writing, and photography. Still, unknow of the details. Since just thought of it yesterday.

I am still on a quest on my calling. Still questioning the possibilities.

Seriously how does one know what they are going to be? Like the internet, states answer these few questions and then you will know.  But what if you don’t know the questions? What now?

I still don’t know what I am. In terms of what my career is.

I feel the odd person out when people talk about college. I don’t know. I literally went there. Unrelatable with those conversations.  Like what am I supposed to be?

Indecisive in myself. My dream career is scattered everywhere. I don’t know what, to begin with.

Follow your passion. Be you. Being patient is the key.

I really don’t know.