Book Sacrifice Tag

I found this book tag on Lizzy’s blog.

The rules of the book sacrifice tag:

You are given a situation and you have to choose a book for each situation.All situations are fictional.

1) An Over-Hyped Book: Let’s start this off with a Zombie Apocalypse! Let’s say you’re in a bookstore just browsing when BAM! ZOMBIE ATTACK. An announcement comes over the PA system, saying that military has discovered that the zombies’ only weakness is over-hyped books. What book that everyone else says is amazing but you really hate? So you start chucking at the zombies; knowing that it will count as an over-hyped book and successfully wiped them out?!?

Answer: I had heard great things about J.K. Rowling new work, The Cursed Child. Its sucked. There was no originality. Are you crazy? Only thing I liked was the humor. Yuck.

2) A Sequel: Let’s say you’ve just left the salon with a SMASHING new haircut and BOOM: Torrential downpour. What sequel are you willing to use as an umbrella to protect yourself?

Answer: Go Set a Watchman. The story itself was weird and by the end of the story, I didn’t understand what the story was even about.

3) Let’s say you’re in a lecture and your English teacher is going on and on about how this classic changed the world, how it revolutionized literature and you get so sick of it that you chuck the classic right at his face because you know what? This classic is stupid and it’s worth detention just to show everyone how you feel! What Classic did you chuck?

Answer: Although I didn’t even get halfway to the story, Catcher in The Rye by J.D. Salinger sucked. He talked about how “horrible” is his life was. So much language.

4) Let ’s say that you’re hanging out at the library when BAM! Global warming explodes and the world outside becomes a frozen wasteland. You ’re trapped and your only chance of survival is to burn a book. What is the book you first run, your least favorite book of all life, what book do you not fully regret lighting?

Answer: I loved the first book but the second book, Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Mass destroyed each thing. Ahh, no. The romance shattered any hope for me.


Fictional boyfriends

I decided to mix the book tag “Who are your book boyfriends?” with fictional boyfriends from tv shows/movies. Enjoy.

Merlin Show

Merlin: Well obviously who doesn’t like Colin Morgan. Then again, I might be just a third wheel with Merlin and Arthur’s bromance.

Merlin inspires me because of his selflessness. He always puts others first. No matter what happens to him. He is kind and does not seek reward for his actions, although it is sometimes frustrating. People think he is an idiot, but I know that he is one of the greatest men to ever live.

Gwaine: Who can say no to this face?

Heidi is always wondering "WHY AM I NOT FRIENDS WITH EOIN MACKEN?" and after reading this post, we still don't have an answer.

Harry Potter

Snape: Snape is my favorite male character in the whole series. He dislikes Harry Potter, me too. No one would touch me since everyone is intimidated by him. A win, win.

My pages à la page: Novità in liberia: Harry Potter si back!

Jane Austen

Darcy from 1995 Pride and Prejudice

Darcy - Function - Inflected form(s) - Etymology - Pride and Prejudice #janeausten #fanart

Colin Firth - Pride and Prejudice, 1995 | The Definitive Ranking Of Actors Who Have Played Mr Darcy


Ty: I am currently finishing the tv show on Netflix then I will rewatch the series again to prepare for the new seasons coming out.  Then again who doesn’t want a boyfriend like Ty.

Graham Wardle (Ty Borden)

The Lord of the Rings

Samwise  Gamgee

Sam is literally the only reason the ring made it to mount doom!! Frodo would have died a hundred times over without him!

Sam, a truer friend never existed.


*coughs*  Tom Hiddleston

Image result for tom hiddleston loki


Image result for tom hiddleston loki

William Buxton (Return to Cranford)

Image result for tom hiddleston cranford

*coughs again* Benedict Cumberbatch

Image result for doctor strange

I can’t watch any nature documentaries that have him as a narrator. My face will get bright red. XD


And that’s it. Thanks for making my face blush.

Thanks for Reading!


Reader Problems Book Tag

1. You have 20,000 books in your TBR, how in the world do you decide what to read next?

It really depends on what mood I have.

2. You’re halfway through a book and you’re just not loving it. Do you put it down or are you committed?

It depends on why I dislike it. Death boring, I will continue reading. Cursing or inappropriate scenes, it’s a no go.

3. The end of the year is coming and you’re behind on your reading challenge, do you try to catch up? And if so, how?

I will try. I will read short books, ebooks, children’s books, or whatever I can get my hands on.

4. The covers of a series you love do not match, how do you cope?

I will survive. It really depends if its a paperback vs hardback.

5. Everyone and their mother loves a book that you do not. Who do you bond with over your shared feelings?

Find someone. Look through Pinterest, they has to be someone who has the same opinion.

6. You’re reading a book in public and you’re about to start crying. How do you deal?

I have never cried for any fictional situation so I wouldn’t know. Don’t judge me.

7. The sequel to a book you loved just came out but you’ve forgotten a lot of what happens. Are you going to reread it?

It really depends how thick the first book is. At times, I don’t care about the first book. I just want to read the sequel.

8. You do not want anyone to borrow your books, how do you politely say no when someone asks?

Sorry, I would love to share my books but I miss already when I am not home. I will continuously text you making sure my babies are safe. It’s safer still in case something happens.  You might disappear from the face of this earth.

9. You have picked up and put down 5 books in the last month. How do you get over this reading slump?

I will read from a different genre.

10. There are so many books coming out that you are dying to read, how many do you end up buying?

All of them, if I had the money for it. Usually five or anything under $100.

11. After you purchase all of these books that you’re dying to read how long do they sit on your shelves before you get to them?

It really depends. If I am already reading something, I will wait until I finish the book. Or I will dive right into the books.

I tag:   Emmaline

Kate Flournoy

@bookish beginnings


Thanks for Reading!



The Name Book Tag

I found this tag on Madi’s blog. The purpose of this book tag is to spell out our name with book titles. I will use my name, Sunny Houk.


S- Songs in our Memories by R.A. Rooney

Songs In Our Memories (a novelette)


U- Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand



N-Number the Stars by Lois Lowry




N- Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen



Y- The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman





H- Halt’s Peril by John Flanagan


O-Olympus at War by Kate O’Hearn


U- Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe


K– Kristian’s War by Peter Wisan

Kristian's War (The Searchers Series, #1)


Thanks for reading!


Rapid Fire Book Tag

I know its been awhile since I did a book tag. A very long time. Here you go, hopefully I will posting more on books soon.

Question 1: E-Book or Physical Book?

It really depends. If the ebook is free or under five dollars. I will buy it. If not, I will read a physical book.

Question 2: Paperback or Hardback?

Paperback since Hardback is too expensive. Unless I find them a cheaper price at a thift store.

Question 3: Online or In-Store Book Shopping?

Online is safer since I can see how much it actually cost before I check out.

Question 4: Trilogies or Series?

I read more trilogies than series. So trilogies all the way!

Question 5: Heroes or Villains?

Both. It really depends if I like them or not.

Question 6: A book you want everyone to read?


The Lord of the Rings by Tolkien or The Odyssey by Homer.

Question 7: Recommend an underrated book?

The Crucible by Arthur Miller or The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Question 8: The last book you finished?

Journey by Accident by R.A. Rooney

Question 9: The Last Book(s) You Bought?

Enjoy the Poddle Skirt by Kate Willis

Question 10: Weirdest Thing You’ve Used as a Bookmark?

Gum wrapper, candy wrapper, hair tie, or a rock

Question 11: Used Books: Yes or No?

Yes, the cheaper the better.

Question 12: Top Three Favourite Genres?

Real Classics, Fanasty, Poetry

Question 13: Borrow or Buy?

Borrowed by Library. Buy if I have already read it or I have enough confidence it won’t be a waste of my money.

Question 14: Characters or Plot?

Plot. I read books because the plot interests me. Don’t really care for the characters until half way through the book.

Question 15: Long or Short Books?

It really depends if I am committed to read the book or not.

Question 16: Long or Short Chapters?

Short Chapters!

Question 17: Name The First Three Books You Think Of…

Martin Hospitality by Abigayle Claire,  King Arthur and the Round Table by Roger Lancelyn Green, The Odessey by Homer

Question 18: Books That Makes You Laugh or Cry?

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. Almost made me cry and I never cry while reading books.

Question 19: Our World or Fictional Worlds?


Question 20: Audiobooks: Yes or No?

I never tried. So I would not know.

Question 21:

Do You Ever Judge a Book by its Cover?

Sometimes. Its really the plot that gets me to read something.

Question 22: Book to Movie or Book to TV Adaptations?

Book to Movie. I haven’t watched any book to TV adaptations

Question 23: A Movie or TV-Show You Preferred to its Book?


Question 24: Series or Standalone?

Both. It depends….


Thanks for reading! What book tag or tags should I do next?


Favorite Books

Currently, I have sixteen favorite books and counting. Sixteen books out of the two hundred and fourty two I have read.  Why is this? I have no idea. There were some books I thought were going to be favorite.  But reality sets in and expectations of a good book disappears.  Let us begin this discussion of my favorite books.

There is no order of which I like best. All of them have their unique reason why.

  1. The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare: The main reason why is the story I believe is inspired by the Salem witch trials. This period of time is one my favorite times to read.
  2. The Door by Lorilyn Roberts: This story is amazing. A crossover of Alice in Wonderland and the time when Jesus was on earth. Great idea ever.
  3. Persuasion by Jane Austen: People ask why this book. Why not Pride and Prejudice? Or Emma?  The fact she is able to get a second chance at love. Come on. You don’t meet a girl like that every dynasty. (Referring to Mulan, Disney lovers) Yes, she didn’t marry him at first when he was poor. But she does, when he is rich. What a second, could Wuthering Heights be a new favorite? Must read it.
  4. The Odyssey by Homer I read this in high school and this opened by reading range to the max. I read Percy Jackson series because of this book and the class took of it. The Greeks, oh how I love the Greeks. Boo Romans.
  5. St. Bartholomew’s Eve: A Tale of the Huguenot Wars by G.A Henty: I actually enjoy reading the history of the Huguenots’ persecution.
  6. Kristen’s War by Peter Wisan. A retelling of Pilgrim’s Progress with a twist of the Marines.
  7. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling. I would love to tell why but that would be spoilers.
  8. Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
  9. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  10. The Voyage of Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis
  11. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
  12. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
  13. Bleak House by Charles Dickens
  14. The Black Cauldron by Lloyd Alexander. I mainly read this because of the Disney Adaptation of it.
  15. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
  16. Two Towers by J. R. R. Tolkien

What are you guys’ favorite? Comment below.

Book Recommendations

I love giving out recommendations. It is a rare occasion when I do because people know that I will give them a very long list. Here is a basic book recommendations, I recommend to anyone. Whether you love reading or not. Enjoy!

Hahahha I literally did this one time to someone. Asked for a few recommendations and I ended up giving them a list of my entire nook library. Whoops.


  1. The Holy Bible
  2. Kristian’s War by Peter Wisan A retelling of Pilgrim’s Progress. So if you love marines and army based stories, this is the book for you.
  3. The Lord of Rings Series by J.R.R. Tolkien
  4. Narnia series by C.S. Lewis
  5. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
  6. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  7. Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riodan
  8. Girl Definded by Kristen Clark; Bethany Baird
  9. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
  10. The Odysessy by Homer
  11. The Door by Lorilyn Roberts. A retelling of Alice and Wonderland.
  12. The Robe by Lloyd C. Douglas
  13. In Freeman’s Cause by G.A. Henty
  14. Number the Stars by Lois Lowry
  15. Ranger’s Apprentice Series by John Flangan
  16. Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
  17. Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink
  18. The Book Theif by Mark Zukas
  19. A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
  20. The Great Divore by C.S. Lewis
  21. The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul
  22. Ten Girls who Made History by Irene Howat
  23. Beautiful Girlhood by Karen Andreola
  24. Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand
  25. Little House series by Laura Ingalls
  26. A Tree grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

I could continue doing this forever. But to save us the trouble I won’t list anymore books. Its for the best.  Merry Christmas!





Mortified: A Short Story


A while ago, I wrote a short story using symbolism. The story itself symbolize the journey of falling into sin and the difficulty of getting out of it.

The title of my short story is called: Mortified

Let me know in the comments if you enjoyed it. I would greatly appreciate it.


The clouds swirled around about me as I could hear the radiation of the surface bubbling up. I groaned as my back cracked. My body felt as though it was melting away. Blood was my only comfort. Many times had I thrown myself to the ground of this prison. I could feel the anguish of my broken heart. I regretted every second of the day because of my foolish act. How could I be so stupid of being part of a wicked act? They lied to me and swore to me that I was doing the right thing.

I laid on my back and staring at the darkness that still compassed me about. My nostrils widened as I could smell the misty rugged air above and my masters’ dinner of old rotten flesh. I ached for my freedom but I knew I could never find it. I ripped every shred of clothing of mine and tore it like an animal. I questioned myself that if these years of suffering have caused me to transform into a monster. My mouth widened as blood dripped down my body. The old scars of torture had returned once again.

The day I was captured, was like no other day. Curly black rags dangled down my head. My cheeky behavior was usual for young boys. My poor old mother would never understand. I always doubted my mother’s stories and warnings in life. Believing in my stubborn heart. I was soon able to escape my mother’s rattling tongue. She had continually told me of a book that my father read to me. I hated that book but now I wished I knew about it more than ever before.

The door creaked and could see the light and smell the sweet scent of the sleepy sun. I didn’t turn back and ran into the woods. My mother wished nothing else than her only son to disappear into the woods. I had believed that my mother would never find out because of her recent amnesia. I guessed wrong. The day I got captured. I could hear the ravens crying out in the distance. I could also hear my mother moaning for her dear son. Aching for her child’s innocent body. She would never see me again. Fearing the woods and all the secrets within.

I was pierced by sheer curiosity as I continued to explore the dark woods. The treetops were dark and broody. I could feel the curses my mother told me. The air divided by light and darkness. As the sun disappeared, I only hoped that the lightning bugs would help me. My heart sank because I could hear the creatures of night howling their first hunting cry. I would never return homeward. Too afraid for my own life.

I stumbled over something and fell to the ground. Crawling by my knees, I felt something rough and rigid. I wiped the dirt away from the ground. I gasped and realized that I fell over a tombstone. I could hear the rustling of trees and a screech of owls in the distance. I remembered how my mother spoke of the curses of this land. She would be right with this noise and this place. A graveyard was sheer sign of death.

I was about to run from it but stopped as I hear someone or something weeping in the distance. My eyes could barely see as the place was pitch black. All the bugs of light disappeared and wished no part of helping me. I used my ears and feet to find the person. I stopped at the entrance of a tomb. I saw two pairs of glowing red eyes. My spine shivered and I knew that they looked familiar like the stories my mother told me.

It seemed as though something was pulling me closer to them. I asked them, “What’s wrong?”

They shook their heads and ordered me to leave. I ignored them and tried to help them. They grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me to the ground. I didn’t escape or fight but listened to them. I was glad of what they spoke and ventured into the woods for them. When I returned, they smiled at one another and looked beyond. I knew something was up. I could barely see them. Within me, I could feel their hearts racing toward me. They had a great desire for me that I knew not what.

I turned around as I heard something. The shadows opened up and I saw more of them. They threw themselves on me. I didn’t even argue. I told myself. I was doing the right thing. I thought my mother would be proud of me but I was wrong. She would have been mortified if she knew what I had done. Her only son was gone.

Now I knew my masters desired only my strength. I fell into the greatest pit of all. I knew I would never return back to the light. It felt as if life was a lie but it was I who believed in it. I had thrown my life away.

I pulled myself together and covered myself with the old broken bark and fallen leaves. I stared at the pit. I tried once again like many a day to escape. I crawled up the walls only to tumble back down. No noise came from my masters. I believed that I was safe for now. I jumped up and grabbed the roots of the trees above. Pulling myself up, I left my tomb and explored the woods looking for the horizon and hoping to see my mother again.

Many times, I thought I saw the light of the horizon. Within seconds of seeing it, I would disappear and be pulled back into my cradle of doom. My masters would torture me. Chains that brought only hatred to myself. Years I tried to escape the sufferings that I made for myself, but none came close.

I had just received news by my night howler that dawn was soon upon us. I ached for the longing of my beloved. Hoping that today would be the day I would meet her. I had tried several times but none were successful. The wind blew my long grey hair toward the crooked trees. Owls hooted their last messages to their loved ones. The wolves rustled through the leaves. They chased the last prey of the night before returning to their dark pit. I knew that time never stopped even when the first shimmer of light arose.

I walked past the bubbling streams and twisted nightmares. I looked up and my heart jumped for joy as I saw the sunrise. I ran with hope in my heart. Trees fell to the ground as I passed them. I finally had entered the light. I stopped as I looked down. I was withering away once again. I begged him to see her. I ran and tumbled to the ground. My heart mourned as I disappeared.

My eyes rose as I looked up. Someone had placed its hand on mine. My eyes sparkled as it was she, the morning. She lifted me up from the bottomless pit. My hands shivered and I was ashamed. I looked down to the ground and stared at her feet. I wore black rags and a robe not worthy of a king. I envied her clothing. She wore clothing that would have been praised among the highest. She wore a seamless dress of new spread leaves. Her hair was like the dawn. Fresh dewdrops formed her adornments. She wore newly picked daisies around about her head. I hated myself and wished I never came.

She lifted my head up with her woundless hands and smiled. Her smile could make the day last a lifetime. I wanted to kiss her. She placed her hand on my heart. I tried to pull her close to me but I knew my life was coming to an end. It would be meaningless. Why would anyone care for a monster that I am?

She swirled around about me. I watched as buds arose from the ground. She waved to me asking me to follow her. I backed away knowing that light was against me. She ran toward me and swirled me about. I pulled back and shook my head. She was confused and walked toward me. I turned and ran.

I turned my head toward the horizon and she looked at me. Tears fell from her sweet tender face and she danced no more. She smiled at me and I frowned back. She asked me once again. Instead of replying, I ignored her. The one mistake I regret. I turned back to my pit of misery. Back to the tomb I once called home.

Bookworm problems

  1. When you decide to only buy one book and almost buy half the store.
  2. Or when you debate if you should get one book from the library but get more than two.
  3. When it is already late but you want to read “one more chapter.” Then you realize you read the whole book and its around 2am in the morning.
  4. When you promise yourself to be more responsible. Then you pass a bookstore and forget responsibility.
  5. When you are so broken, that you drool over books and wait impatiently for book money.
  6. When your relationship status is a fictional boyfriend.
  7. When your weekends are always booked.
  8. All your free time is devoted to reading.
  9. When none of your friends obsess over books like you do.
  10. When you really want to visit somewhere but that place is fictional.
  11. You may be that person who always quotes books.
  12. When someone loves the movies but has never read the books.
  13. Always watching book adaption movies and counting all the mistakes.
  14. Wishing reading could be considered a sport.
  15. When you see a book spoiler online and it ruins everything for you.
  16. When someone decides to interrupt you while as you are reading.
  17. Naming your future children after your favorite fictional characters.
  18. Hoping one day to have your own personal library room.
  19. When you have no room on your bookshelf, but decide to buy more books.
  20. When you have more books than clothes.
  21. When you finish a book series and you wish only to die.
  22. When you have more than hundred books on your to read and wonder if you could read them all in your lifetime.
  23. Debating if you should have a book themed wedding.
  24. Buying any book merchandise.
  25. When you want a sequel to a book, but the author is dead.
  26. When you already have a list of book recommendations for your friends.
  27. Always daydreaming about the book you are currently reading.
  28. The feeling when you return after a long day and finally are able to read your book.
  29. Continuously posting bookish posts on social media.
  30. Always having a book in your purse.
  31. Reading everywhere from car, bed, plane, etc.
  32. When people ask you what is your favorite book.
  33. Finding friends who enjoy reading as much as you do.
  34. When you want to have a boyfriend who takes you on bookstore dates.
  35. When anything can be used as a bookmark.
  36. When you have to wait for years for a book sequel.
  37. When you want to met all your favorite authors.
  38. Losing your place in a book.
  39. Laughing or crying over a book in public.
  40. Having a room big enough for your books.
  41. When the movie cover is the book cover.
  42. Always picturing yourself as the main character.
  43. Pulling out a book during a social gathering.
  44. The feeling after reading a crushing ending.
  45. Prefer books to roses.
  46. Wishing to stay overnight at a library or a bookstore.
  47. The feeling when someone wants to borrow your book. And you are afraid you will never getting it back.
  48. Going outside means bringing a book.
  49. Debating what book to read next.
  50. Questioning yourself after reading several books at once.
  51. When a book changes your perspective of the world.
  52. When the characters ruin the plot of the story. Vise versa.
  53. Already choosing the actors for your favorite book.
  54. Finding the perfect reading position.
  55. Smelling books.
  56. Wanting to write your own book.
  57. Reading fan fiction.
  58. Wanting to visit libraries all over the world.
  59. When you start liking a character and then that character dies.
  60. When a fictional character reminds you of someone you know.
  61. Neck and back pain when reading a book.
  62. Wishing book series could last forever. So that you don’t miss the fictional characters.
  63. When people dislike the book you love.
  64. When you make up a character’s name because you can’t pronounce it.
  65. When you have to stopping reading to eat and sleep.
  66. Being careful not to rip or get stains on your books.
  67. When you don’t want to read any of the books you already own.
  68. When people think you are becoming quite insane with books.
  69. When you buy books but all them you already read.
  70. Telling yourself to read a classic book so you don’t feel guilty.
  71. All your expectations for anything comes from books.
  72. Always organizing your books.
  73.  Always questioning people who don’t read.
  74. Wanting to start a book club.
  75. Waiting to get free copies of books so you can review them.
  76. Purchasing the paperback because the hardback costs a fortune.
  77. Making weird expressions while reading.
  78. Forgetting that sometimes you have to go back to the real world.
  79. Wondering if you should abandon a book when it gets too boring.
  80. When you are reading an ebook and battery decides to die.
  81. Wanting to read all the books in the world.
  82. When there are new book covers and old ones are hard to find.
  83. When you are reading and the title finally makes sense.
  84. When you realize how many books you own.
  85. Starting a new series when you have too many to finish.
  86. When a book makes your day.
  87. Protecting your books at all cost.
  88. Questioning your reading habits.
  89. Having more books than friends.
  90. Talking to your siblings about books.
  91. Wondering if you need help with your book addiction.
  92. Forgetting what day, year, or time when finishing a book.
  93. Using your books as self defense.
  94. When you enter a book fandom.
  95. Reading past your bedtime.
  96. Trying to avoid the topic of why you love reading.
  97. Wishing you could read in the dark.
  98. Sleeping with your books.
  99. Trying not to give out book spoilers.
  100. Excited when your friend decide to read a book you recommended.

And there you have it. Hundred problems for a bookworm. If you think I forgot one, please comment below. I would love to hear from you.