NaNoWriMo Tag


  1. Thank the awesome blogger who tagged you! Thank you Esther!!!
  2. Link back to the creator of this tag, Sophie @Sophie’s Corner.
  3. Feel free to use the NaNoWriMo 20 Questions Tag graphics!
  4. Answer the questions.
  5. Tag some friends who are also doing NaNo this year.
  6. And have fun!!!

Questions and Answers:


This story was heavily inspired by the anime series, The Last Airbender and superpowers.

When Brianne discovered that she was a mutant in her mother’s womb, everything changed. The worst part of all of this, is that her husband knows nothing about her powers. She pretends to live a normal life as a nurse. But when the outer world breaks the walls, everything comes to a reality. Everything is breaking free, all the hate, all the love, and all the lies. Brianne is clueless what will happen, who would believe her, and who to trust.


A new adult contemporary fantasy story


mess, outspoken, caring


politic evil mess


Realistic goal: 20k Dream Goal is 30k words


First/Second Draft, the next answer will make sense in a minute..


I am planning on working on a story I did for NaNoWrimo 2017. I wrote around 20k words but for some reason, stopped, abandoned it. So yeah. So instead of finishing the first draft, I am attempting to do a second draft as well.


Last at night. 10pm, 11pm, 12pm, 1am… So who knows if I will get sleep, next month???


On a yellow chair, my desk, or my bed, or the floor.


Computer although I might write some scenes on paper when I am not at the house.


Read less, stop doing anything creative for a month


I probably will not do anything local. Maybe online events.. Maybe. Who knows??


I usually skip around but since I am doing a second draft as well. I will probably work from beginning to end.


Panster for the most part. This year, I am planster. I know what will happen, and what I should cover on, but things could happen.


Carrots, I been obsessed with them recently. I will snack on some cucumber and celery. Got to be healthy for once…


Coffee, tea, and water.


Buy a typewriter, buying clothes


Remember to sleep and eat


Nervous, that I will get writer’s block. But excited to get this story out in the open.


Lets just, I am too lazy or my story is really complex. Here is my Pinterest Board.

Tag anyone who wants to do this tag. 

Thanks for reading!!!

It’s my Author Name, not my Real Name

Hello. Welcome. This is real so real. Its the truth. My real name is being reveal. Well, technically my first name and last name but you know.

So my name is not actually not Sunny Houk. Well, technically its is. Sunny is my nickname and Houk is my mother’s maiden name. It basically is but not my birth name. I choose to have a pen name or author name because one: my first and last name is really long. I wanted to remember my grandfather who died. So I took his last name so he could still live on. And once upon ago, I thought I was going to become an elementary school teacher. I am pretty sure, no one wants someone who writes dark things to be a school teacher. So things happened and my pen name was born.

Now, I tell you this because I don’t want to have secrets. The only secrets, I hide is what is happens next in my story or who dies. Yes, I kill “fictional” characters. So yeah.

My Real Name is…. Sunshine Cunningham and things I love are the opposite of what my name would interpret. I prefer the night over the day. I love fall and winter and not the summer. . My personality is the opposite. I am introverted and not the not outgoing. I can be but might take awhile. You will see in earth tones although I love mustard yellow.

I will probably not change my pen name to my real name but yeah, now you know. I might change my profile name on here, my real name but who knows.

The shortest blog post ever. XD Maybe I can write something longer next time. Hopefully…

Why my current WIP is not Christian Fiction?

I am a Christian and I don’t label my current WIP as Christian . Here is why..

My story, currently titled Fallen World is not Christian Fiction but does mention God, adoption, and salvation but I do plan on publishing this book traditional and I know for sure the publishers will not label my story as Christian.

There is nothing bad in the story. There really isn’t any romance. I don’t swear/cuss in the story. Its really the graphic side of it and the deep themes I go into.

There are several scene where I go into detail about things most people don’t want to talk about. I mention the inside of an abortion clinic, small summary of what the abortion process is, a go into detail of a house that once was used for sex trafficking, the problems against it, a speech of ex. sex assault victim, and the criminals for sex assault.

I mention the LGBT community but the darker side of it all.

The plot of the story is basically if we reversed certain laws back to illegal but would happen. A rebellion against the people against the government aka America rebelling against the Truth.

There is violence along with the graphic detail. There are gun shootings and others things I haven’t plot out or brainstormed yet. Its a bit the adult fiction side of things. Unless you like violent books.

Would you consider this Christian? Because I honestly don’t. Let me know in the comments below.

Last night, I hit 100 followers on this blog and to celebrate I am going share a snippet of my story… Enjoy!!

Metal cages were shook and we slide away from each other. Slipping as we raced toward each other but failing miserably. Thud! My head pained me as I touch my forehead. Blood drips from my head and I notice everyone was caught by a net and somehow I missed the mark. 

“Attention.” Heaving stomping and a woman speaks and my head spins as blood splashed everywhere. 

That woman is not from around here. Her pale skin. Brunette hair. What is she wearing? A suit. I thought men wear them. 

“It has come to my attention, aliens.”

I pointed a finger at her and walked over to her as my friends stared at me. “Aliens, the aliens? You might think you so high and mighty but no you are a stranger here. You invade our land for some reason, I have no idea. You cage us for fun. Are you planning on trafficking us next? Please hun, I am bleeding to death.”

Click. Click. She walked toward me with those devilous pointed heels. “Excuse me, and who are you?”

I reached my hand toward her but pulled away back in place as she stared me down. “Well, not friendly then. Estella and who might you be?”

“Officer Dipper.”

I laughed and knew it was a fatal mistake. Bang! I looked behind me as one of my friends fell. Something fell across the room and hit her in the gills. Water spilled out as she fell forward and then the rush of green blood came next. Panicking as no one moved. My eyes looked up as Kaius’ mouth was open and he stood in shock. I scrambled over and pressed my fingers into her wound. My reflexes jointed as I could feel a vomit coming but pushed it down. Naida was more important. A cold took over me as I watch her blood and water freeze. I looked up as Officer Dipper raised eyebrow. “Kaius help me, you idiot.”

His head shook as I rolled my eyes. Pushing through the crowd, I watched him take Naida from me. “Estella, what are you planning? There is no way out.”

“Oh, darling. You know nothing.”

Dipper crossed her arms. “And what do you plan on doing, alien?”

“My name is Estella, stupid.” My eyes widened as the bleed that once dripping from my forehead disappeared and the thing replaced it was a frozen icicles. Shattered as red icicles fell from my head. “That’s new.”

Officer Dipper snapped her fingers as people of some sort came in. They wore rubber spandex suits. Astronauts, a thing of myths. “Kill her.”

Thanks so much for reading!!!

One of the rawest things I will ever publish

This collection of works, I plan on publishing mid September. The truest and rawest things I have ever written. Poems that showcase my struggles through the years, the loss of a childhood friend , and a family member. A best friend to friend and now to acquaintance. My feelings of breaking free from a crush. Liking someone who I will have to avoid even more since I did send this collection of works to him. Because for some reason, I was brave enough to do that. Now wishing I should go back in time and reverse everything. Yeah, now to wait for his reply. The worst moments for the rest of my life.

(If you are reading this, and you know who I am talking about it and if this thing I wrote for is real. And my feelings are real. And now I am currently hate myself. And if this things blooms into something more. I was the first to tell my feelings and not you. Yeah.. email or text me instead of talking to me because I will probably avoid you for the rest of my life. And no, I don’t hate you. I am afraid of embarrassing myself and looking like a complete idiot.

Poetry is probably the only time, you will see me be true of myself. To express my feelings to the public. A creative output that allows me go free verse. I am not afraid of what others think of my poetry. Its free and its my own. Be grateful, I don’t have a good voice because I could be singing my feelings. That pro in all of this.

Just wanted to tell you something about this collection of works. New post coming this Saturday.

Under the Grave: A Poem

Welcome back, owlnerds! I am currently open to blog post ideas.

Here is a poem, I wrote a few weeks enjoy!

I laid there silent and cold

As the world continued on

Under the surface of where people walk

Talked and embraced

Clueless of what will happen next 

After the service where people throw dirt

Upon the new bed, I now lay on

I am dead as a doorknob

I can’t think of the memories

I once had.

Or the sweet and soft touch of my beloved.

Will I go to heaven or hell?

Before we die, we look at two options

Chained and tortured in hell forever

Or fellowshipping with Jesus and deceased loved ones.  

I for one do not skip a heartbeat 

I know I will go to heaven

I believe Him as the One True God

His Son came down to earth

He chose me with the filth

 And wickedness, I carry.

Lord willing, He will open the gates of heaven 

And greet me with open arms

And now you are questioning 

If I know if I will see my loved ones in heaven

And no, I don’t. 

But I trust Him. 

There comes a time

Where we will die or 

We find out that someone close died

Its a sad time but we should rejoice

 That we will meet again in heaven.

Death, a thing which is unnatural in our way of life

A thing we shouldn’t take lightly

Created by our ancestors

The founding father of man, Adam

 And ourselves for we are from him.

We were tempted by the serpent 

To disobey God 

For we believed that we would become a

Godlike such like

 Our Father who made

But it was lies.

Now we are dead. 

Under the ground

Cold and alone

 Preparing for our judgment

The time is drawing near

And whether  or not

We will be under grave

Is a question

That will be soon answered.

Final Part of Fiona’s Hero

Welcome back, owlnerds. Here is the final part of Fiona’s Hero

The Synopsis:

Fiona’s world begins to fall apart. After a recent gun shooting, her biggest supporter is gone. Now she is struggling to keep the faith, keep her grades up, and stay out of trouble. Will Fiona keep the faith in one of the darkest times of her life? Or will she blame God for losing her father

Read Part One

Read Part Two

Read Part Three

Read Part Four

Want to be a dear and help me a lot? Comment down what you would rate this story and tell me how you like. Thanks. Enjoy!!

The Run:

My ears rang as I could hear the gunshots. Running out on the streets as cars honked their horns as I ran across Mainstreet. A caution tape wrapped around the entrance of the theater as a large crowd circled around to curious of what happened. Pushing through the crowds, I noticed a body that was surrounded by medics. Fighting off the police officers that grabbed my arms trying their best to pull me away.

I ripped the tape as my heart froze, there laid my father with his chest covered in blood and breathless. My heart drowned in tears as my mother screamed by name in the distance.


Jerking my head upwards and realizing I was only dreaming.  I stripping myself from the bed as I pulled another tank top over me. Pulling a pair of sneakers from under my bed, I grabbed my navy bum bag as I clipped around the front of my waist. My fingers gathered my messy hair as I tied it up in a messy bun. My eyes blinked as I realized it was only six thirty in the morning. Of course. I rolled my eyes as I decided to run away. Forgetting my phone in my room as I tiptoed to the kitchen and pulled a water bottle out of the refrigerator and placing inside my bum bag. I closed the door of the house as I headed out. The sky was barely awake as it was fairly dark outside still. I smiled as I remember there were street lights to the place I was heading. Turning right off Elite Street, I ran until I stopped at a trespassing area. Looking both ways before climbing over the fence. I started to jog as she soon was swallowed up by the woods that surround her. Soon I was able to be out in the open area again as I noticed the stone wall my father first showed me when I was little.

Sitting down on top of the four-foot wall that oversaw the city of Hartfield. Thinking of how my father’s death my father’s death caused me to act. And sure I thought daily people lose someone but was it necessary to act like that? The fact that life isn’t about me or what I want. Life doesn’t go what I plan on.

I turned my head as I realized how I acted toward my own mother. A jerk, a dumb jerk. Sitting up as I ran home, barely noticed the sun rising from the east.

My heart stopped as the door of my house was wide open. Mom. I ran inside the door as my head turned as I noticed one of my mom’s lamp was shattered in pieces. “Mom, mom. Where are you?” I scanned the room as I noticed my mom’s room was opened. My spine noticed as I saw clasped on the bed from a stranger. “Hey.”

The stranger turned as he smiled.

My eyes widened as my mom had tears dripping down her face.

“Run, Fiona,” she moaned as she fell on the bed as the stranger smacked her face.

The stranger walked toward me as he placed his hand across my face.

My heart raced as I watched his movement.

“Well, it isn’t Kenneth’s daughter. If only you saw your father’s reaction when he realized who I was.”

Cyrus. “What are you doing here? You killed my father and got your revenge.”

“Ha, you think by killing him I feel better that he killed my wife.”

“He didn’t kill her.”

He gripped my throat and he slammed in a wall that a hanging picture. The glass pierced my back as I gripped for air “The only thing that will make me happier is killing you and your disgusted mother.”

I moaned as I could barely speak. “Kill me and only me. Leave my mother out of this.”

“Like I am going to do that.”

I looked over Cyrus’ shoulder as I watched my mother trying to dial her phone.

He released the grip from me as he pulled out his gun toward my mother.

With barely any strength, I threw myself as he clicked the gun. Falling on the bed with blood dripping down my chest.

I could barely hear my mother scream in pain as she dropped the phone and scrambled toward me.

In the background of everything going through my head, I could hear the faint sound of sirens. My vision blurred as I couldn’t see Cyrus anymore. My head lifted up as I could feel the warmth of my mother’s tears.

“Fiona, whatever you do. Don’t fall asleep.”

“Mom, please forgive me.”

My mom shook her head.

“Please, mom. I was selfish. I forgot how you are feeling since he died.”

She unraveled my hair as she began to pat it gently. “Shh..”

My head lends back as my eyes began to see only darkness. My eyes fluttered as I knew my time was coming to an end. Please, God, forgive me of my selfishness. And God please protect mom and the innocent people who deserve more love and forgiveness than I have with You. “Mom, I love you.”


Fiona’s Hero Part Three

Welcome back back, owlnerds! Enjoy Part Three: The Argument

Flipping on the living room lights, I headed toward the kitchen. With piles of dishes in the sink, I ignore the mess and open our stainless steel refrigerator. Opening the bottom drawers, I pulled out an apple and a string of cheese. Shutting refrigerator door, I rolled my eyes.

Mom had placed both of her hands on both of the counters so I couldn’t get out. “Fiona, please don’t blame God. Your father wouldn’t want you to act like this.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Like what, mom? How can I be normal when my father dies? People say the grief will pass. It’s a lie. How can they know anything? All the people who tell me this, have never lost anyone.”

Tears dripped down my mother’s face as she placed her hands off the counter.

Racing past her as I opened my bedroom door.

My room was like an average bedroom with a bed in the middle under the window. My white wooden desk on the right and my night table on the other side. The bathroom stood on the left side of the room. Falling flat on the bed as I pull a pillow off and hug it. Slowly my eyes shut and I pass out.

My eyes widened as sweat paced down my neck. Shifting my head, I realize what I was seeing was just a dream. Sitting up as I rubbed the back of my neck. It was a dream, I tell myself. Dad is gone, the shooters are not coming to get you. Just breathe. Removing the sheet of my sweating body, my eyes turn toward my nightstand where my father’s bible sat there. Turning my head, I jump off my bed and into the bathroom. I strip down, turned the hot water on and dip in. Steam fills the air as I begin scrubbing my head with lavender shampoo. My ears perk up as I hear something.

“Come on, Melinda, Let’s surprise Fiona.”

“Kenneth, you can’t surprise her if you are not whispering.”

Tears drip down my face as I remember the exact moment in time that conversation had happened. It was the morning of my sixteen birthday I just woke up because of my “whispering” to my mom. Crouching down as I curled my hands around my knees as I ignored the fact that my skin began to burn bright red as the water continued to run. “Papa, why did you die? I should be taken your place. You never deserve to die.”

A poem: A Crush

People say you don’t know love

But you say you do

Looking at your sweetheart

Through the corner of your eye 

But not saying a word 

Not thinking one thing 

Except maybe I’m in love.

Maybe it’s not love

But liking that special someone

Or avoiding that person

For long periods of time

Since you are afraid 

Of what she or he will say.

Maybe its a category of love

Maybe just maybe?

Maybe I know nothing of love

Since I never been 

In a relationship?

Maybe I am clueless 

To even notice a difference

Between like or love

Maybe I’m dumbstruck

Maybe or maybe not?

Love is this thing

Which so hard

To explain

And songs can never explain it

Even if they tried.

Or maybe I am just losing it

And never will experience

This thing we call love. 

Maybe or maybe not? 

Open Your Horizons

Greetings, owlnerds! It’s the first blog post of 2019. This year will be a crazy year. I plan on finishing my rewrites by the end of March. So I take the next big step toward publishing. More info for that will come soon. For today’s post, I am telling myself and all that we should expand our research, our ideas, and development of worlds. Enjoy!!

As I walk around a bookstore staring at books besides the classics. I see heavy duty romance, stories of assassins, and the chosen one. Popular books and over-hyped books. As writers, we should expand our ideas above the horizon. We usually get our ideas from other popular books.

As a fantasy writer, myself. I enjoying my setting be based in the medieval times, of course. I chose this setting because I am inspired by Tolkien. I decided to expand my imagination by modernizing it. Still medieval themes with several adjustments.

We should start looking back at the basics. We could do some retelling with biblical characters, fairy tales, mythology, etc. We should take events in history and create our own worlds. We should use politics as a means of ideas. We need to observe people more. We should watch the behavior of how people react to certain things. We should listen to how people talk. We should notice more carefully how the world around us works. We should notice how each season changes to the next. We should notice how certain people dress. We should study other people’s cultures. We should notice the different landscape other countries have.

The main reason for this blog post is to stop looking at the screen for an answer and observe the world a little more each day. See ya soon.

Seeking Alpha Readers

Welcome back, owlnerds. I am currently seeking alpha readers for a story I have been working on and off the past few years. Here is the excerpt of the first chapter. Enjoy!!! Comment down if you like to be part of my street team where you can help me promote it and even help me chose a cover.

Chapter 1

Ever since Odessa lost her mother, Odessa became accustomed to reading books and finding a way to pass the time. Many a day Odessa would hide in the throne room, disappearing from any thoughts of reality.

It was nearly noon and Odessa leaned forward once again in her golden throne. Trying to find the perfect place to read her book. She flicked her long black hair back. At times she despised her long locks, wishing they would leave her alone once in a while or she would never be able to finish her book. She knew that in due time, someone would notice her and all feelings of happiness would end. She parted her hair to the side and stretched her arms forward in her chair, covering her face from sight with her large leather book.

Feeling someone’s presence, she adjusted herself as she straightened her blue dress embroidered with golden spirals She also pulled her scarlet butterfly sleeves back into place. Making sure she looked proper enough. Her head turned as her cheeks reddened as a fire sparked inside of her.

The other person looked at her with a coy smile. She lifted her eyebrows up and stared at the young man. Her close friend, William stood before her. She noticed that William had recently shaved himself since there were fresh cuts on his chin and the side of his cheeks. One had to look closely to see it.

She noticed that his tunic had been recently washed for it didn’t smell of wet dog. Her eyes flicked as she noticed the scabbard that hung over his polished chain mail.

William smiled as well as he patted his scabbard which held carvings that Odessa made as a devotion of her love to him.  With him looking down at her, her own falsehood crashed down on her before she knew it. “So what were you doing?” he said.

Lowering her head as she sagged the book over her stomach as she “Me? I was doing nothing.” Her eyes lifted upward slightly as William had raised an eyebrow. She grunted.“Fine, I was hiding.”

“Hiding, what? Who were you hiding from?” He smiled with his dimples showing despite his disliking of them.


He jerked his head back and cracked his neck.“People? No there has to be someone. Who is it?”

She sighed. “Sir Irwin.”

He gasped and covered his mouth as if he was surprised by her answer. “Him, why him?”

She frowned as she rubbed her hands together. “He is a bit creepy.”

“Creepy, how is he creepy?” He tilted his head to the side.

“He is so serious and he makes me nervous.”

He blinked his eyes. “Well.”

She stood up and turned around to place the book on the chair. She opened up her hands and he allowed her to come near. He held her and kissed her on the head. “Odessa, I love you.”

“ I love you too, William.” She kissed him back.

“So, if you had to choose to marry anyone, who would you marry?”


What a silly question to ask? She steepled her fingers. She didn’t say anything except that she kissed him on the cheek.

He raised his eyebrows. “So, do you want to go horseback riding?”

“Sure, if I can ride with you.” She smiled and placed her hand in his.

He squeezed her hand with a firm grasp. “Front or back?”

She tilted her head for a second and looked at him wide-eyed. “Hmm. I think I will try back.”

His eyes narrowed as his lips lowered in an inexpressive matter.

Her legs began to shake. Did I say something wrong? Why are you staring at me like that?

He laughed out loud and twirled her around. “Hope you don’t tickle me. Since you made me fall a few days ago.”

She stared at him intensely. “I promise I want.”

He grabbed her by the hand and began to pull her close. “William.No, don’t…”

He looked at her with a puppy face. “Please.”

She looked around the throne room. Checking to see if anyone was looking or had entered the room without her noticing it. “No one is around. If father comes, he would never trust me again. We must think of what we are doing. We shouldn’t be doing whatever we want to do. It will only make this silly matter between us worse.”

“Me, no?” He placed his hand to his chest with guilt in his eyes. “And besides, everyone knows except your father. Just calm down.”

Her eyes narrowed as she clenched into fists.“Father could have entered the room and you didn’t even think about it.”

“Stop worrying. Come on.” He clasped her hand in his and they walked out of the castle together.

Entering the royal garden, Odessa bumped into Clover. Clover was a short servant girl with wavy blonde hair. “Clover, what are you doing?

Odessa and William released their hands from each other and moved them to their back They grinned as if they were guiltless.

She curtsied and stared at William and Odessa with suspicion. “I was getting some flowers for your room. May I ask, princess, what were you deciding to do?”

“Horseback riding.” Odessa raised her eyebrows and tried not to look strange in any way.

Clover shook her head. “No, miss. Horseback riding is not on the to-do list today. You have sewing to catch up on, and we must discuss the coronation. It is only a few days away.”

“About that. Can we reschedule?” She smirked.

“No, miss. The king wants you to be educated.” Clover shook her head and squinted her eyes and stared at William.

Odessa placed her hand on her heart and smirked with pride.“Me, educated. I have books.”

Clover shook her head looking disgusted. “Books don’t teach everything.”

“Hey, take that back.” Odessa pointed a finger at her and then turned in it into a fist.

Clover thought otherwise. “No, women are to be at home instead of sticking their noses in a book.”

Odessa launched herself toward Clover with hands in a choking position.

To be continued…… If you enjoyed that much. Join my street team by comment down below. 🙂