April Goals

We are now a quarter of the year done.

I have read thirty-two books out of my hundred goal.

I have done two out of fifteen of my New Year’s Resolution.

This year has gone fast. Spring is here.

For the month of April, I am planning on doing Camp NaNoWriMo. Here is my profile.

Hopefully, I will get at least 5,000 words done.

Camp NaNoWriMo is a virtual writer’s retreat, designed for maximum flexibility and creativity. There are  “camp” sessions in both April and July. For each month, writers are willing to tackle any writing projects and try to get a certain amount of words done in a month. Word count can be as small as 30 to 1,000,000 words.

My reading goal, this month is around eight books.  I would do more but this month is a crazy month.

I am also doing a sugar and gluten free diet as well.

Any plans for this month?

Thanks for reading!




Monthly check/ Feb. Goals

This month was interesting.

1. Only on Sundays did I put my  hairdown. So epic fail. ;/  Yesterday, I cut my hair. So there is no possibility of putting it up.

2. So I read seven books this month. Its mainly because I had a reading slump after reading The One by Kiera Cass. Which is always fun. :/

3. So I have started taking photos aka self portraits of myself.

4. I have started reading the bible more. Still in Genesis but getting there.

5. So I have not touched the sequel to The Crown of Scales. But I have idea for the third book for the Crown of Scales series. Last Saturday, I had a new book idea. It will most likely be a thriller. Which is always fun. Lets have some nightmares. I might hold off from rewriting and start my new book idea but who knows.

February Goals

1. Write something anything.

2. Buy candy after Valentines’ Day because sales. 😀

That’s it. Because I will be surprised if I don’t procrastinate at all. This month.