50 Facts about Me

  1. The quietest ones are the dangerous- told by a guy at Dollar General
  2. Pain should not let you lose opportunities of happiness.
  3. Being in solitude is dangerous- me 70% of the time
  4. Real friends support each other
  5. Grief and Loss is probably one of the hardest thing to heal from 
  6. Don’t blame people because of a problem you have.
  7. The problem is usually inside of you and mental health
  8. Writing words are easier than physical interaction
  9. Smiling can be one of the easiest things to do and the hardest to fake
  10. Falling for someone can the biggest and worst surprise, you can receive
  11. Falling for someone is the easiest thing to do but the hardest things to explain why when you have no idea why you fell for that person
  12. Deciding not to college because money is not cheap and I’m  one of those indecisive people ever and also, I want to do all the degrees.
  13. It’s so easy to lose someone, who you would think would stay with you forever.
  14. Be a voice when some people can’t.
  15. When your grief and trust issues doesn’t let you get close to someone again.
  16. Friends always come to end but books are forever since oo and be combined into the infinity sign.
  17. I am a popular loner. 
  18. Tired of the fakeness, people give me
  19. Liking someone doesn’t mean we have to  jump right into a romantic relationship
  20. Please flirt with someone near your age, not me thank you very much. 
  21. I know a lot about makeup but still can’t do liquid liner. 
  22. All I really need is Jesus.
  23. The best friend you can have is your siblings. They are stuck with you until death. 
  24. My stories will always be the opposite of squeaky clean Christian Fiction
  25. The saddest thing is when your co-workers text chat is blowing up your phone, then the chat you made for your church friends. 
  26. When you try to get something together but no one thinks it’s a good idea to actually text back. 
  27. Always feeling ghosted by people you care for
  28. Tired of being taken for granted
  29. Would rather hear your fears, dislikes, emotions than hear how school is controlling your life?
  30. My best friend is Jesus.
  31. Sister are better than people who pretend to be your sister
  32. If I unfollow you, it’s because I’m tired of the fakeness and the little effort you show towards me
  33. I prefer the physical interaction than the ongoing online interaction, I get.
  34. I prefer to talk to someone in person than text messages
  35. Done giving out second chances
  36. If I write something dedicated to you, you are special to me
  37. Fake people are not worth my time
  38. Memories hurt the worst especially if they are about people, you once knew to love. 
  39. If you tell to look at someone in your perspective, I’m sorry but your perspective will not change my opinion
  40. Attracted to glasses, nature lover, Jesus lover, thinkers/observers
  41. I value honesty and loyalty
  42. Wishing to find people who don’t remind me of your old self
  43. My passion is to help people in both my day and night job. 
  44. My night job is a writer
  45. I’m an advocate for the voiceless
  46. My writing is not squeaky clean Christian fiction
  47. The topics I write about are the nitty gritty and dark, the world wishes to hide away
  48. It hurts the worst when the person you once knew as a friend is now a stranger to you
  49. Breaking free for the silence, I once bottled up inside
  50. Show love to everyone. I don’t care about the color of your skin, your religion, your political party. Don’t treat people harshly because they don’t look like you. Hatred is not a great quality. It never was.

Thanks for reading part one of I’m a open book, tune in next week for another 50 facts about me.