Realistic Checklist – 2019

It’s going to be a shorter post but its a great post. A little off my writing/book theme, but you know. My usual routine will return. So the end of the year is near, so I decided to give you a checklist of all the things I plan on doing the year of 2019. 

  1. Donate Blood. I have been avoiding doing this for the longest time. 
  2.  Go to a concert whether it be Lauren Daigle or King and Country.
  3. Travel. I will really be traveling to local cities and have adventures there. If I am lucky, maybe places that are up to seven hours to drive from home. I am basically broke bookworm/writer and visiting Europe is the last thing I need to do to break the bank. 🙂
  4. Do something spontaneous like ziplining or skydiving.
  5. Volunteer whether it be at a local animal center, library, etc.
  6. Take a self-defense class.
  7. Expand my wardrobe. Transform to that edgy boho style. 

Only seven things, why? I will actually do them, shockingly enough. I made a resolution of this year and failed greatly. I have learned from that lesson. Thanks for reading.

New Year Resolution

This year is almost over. 2018 is just around the corner.  Time to write my New Year’s Resolution. Although most people prefer not to do it because who even does it. *coughs* I did. Not everything but most of it. Am I the only one who does this? Comment below to join Team 2018.

2018 New Year Resolution:

  1. Actually publish a book, this year.
  2. Donate ten inches to  Locks of Love
  3. Read 100 Books
  4. Water tubing down a river
  5.  Watch a Marathon of Lord of the Rings
  6.  Be healthier
  7. Exercise Daily
  8. Try Sushi
  9. Donate Blood
  10. Upgrade my camera
  11. Donate money to charity
  12. Start a new Hobby
  13. Read the Bible more
  14. Go Paintballing
  15. Go on a short-term ministry trip

Anything else I could do in the next year. Comment below on what else I should do? 🙂