Don’t Hate Authors Part One

Sunny, why this? Because I am tired of people believing that an author stole a famous author/movie idea. Like the Eragon by Christoper Paolini debate. Did he copy and paste The Lord of the Rings? No. So he didn’t steal it. He was inspired by Tolkien. Like I am inspired by Tolkien, doesn’t mean I am going to copy and paste it. Good grief, people.

Mini Review of Eragon: Epic story because my favorite mystical creature is the dragon is in it. Take How to Train your Dragon, Dragonheart, and Tolkien and combined them together. I don’t understand the hate towards this book. Yes, the author uses elves and dwarves. I just don’t understand it all. It’s not like he completely copied and pasted the story and just changed some of the locations’ names and characters’. You can see the elements of Tolkien in it but some people. Other than that, I plan on reading the next book in the series.

Writers get inspired by stories but they have a unique writing process. Like right now, I noticed one of my stories may have been inspired by The Clerk’s Prologue/Tale in The Canterbury Tales. I am not copying the characters/plot. No. If anything, writers are writing clichés. Don’t point out the famous author’s names in your review, if you are going to hate on a writer.

Writers work on their projects for days, months, and years maybe. And next thing you know, you hate on their book. Sure, you can point out the true audience for that certain book such as rating the violence, romance, or etc. I do that. I am not hating the author. I am just pointing things for when a younger reader decides to read it. Aka safety warnings, nothing more. Nothing else.

Next time, you review a book. Rate the violence, language, and romance. Not rate how an author copied a popular idea. Please. Less hate. Readers are to support authors not to create graves for them.

Thanks for reading!