Open Your Horizons

Greetings, owlnerds! It’s the first blog post of 2019. This year will be a crazy year. I plan on finishing my rewrites by the end of March. So I take the next big step toward publishing. More info for that will come soon. For today’s post, I am telling myself and all that we should expand our research, our ideas, and development of worlds. Enjoy!!

As I walk around a bookstore staring at books besides the classics. I see heavy duty romance, stories of assassins, and the chosen one. Popular books and over-hyped books. As writers, we should expand our ideas above the horizon. We usually get our ideas from other popular books.

As a fantasy writer, myself. I enjoying my setting be based in the medieval times, of course. I chose this setting because I am inspired by Tolkien. I decided to expand my imagination by modernizing it. Still medieval themes with several adjustments.

We should start looking back at the basics. We could do some retelling with biblical characters, fairy tales, mythology, etc. We should take events in history and create our own worlds. We should use politics as a means of ideas. We need to observe people more. We should watch the behavior of how people react to certain things. We should listen to how people talk. We should notice more carefully how the world around us works. We should notice how each season changes to the next. We should notice how certain people dress. We should study other people’s cultures. We should notice the different landscape other countries have.

The main reason for this blog post is to stop looking at the screen for an answer and observe the world a little more each day. See ya soon.


Sudden you have an idea for a story but you are clueless what do. Honey, let me help you.

First of all, find out what genre you are going to write. Fanasty, Dystopian, Romance, etc. This should be your foundation of worldbuilding. Here is the best definition of popular genres:

Fanasty: mythical creatures, a world based on realistic places, events, or people aka Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings

Dystopian: a society of poverty, oppression, or rebellion against the government aka Hunger Games or Divergent

Romance: The journey of two people fall in love

Science Fiction: an imaginable world with high tech and science, time travel aka The Giver and Doctor Who

Mystery: the process of a crime or question being solved

Thriller: high suspense story where is the story is continuously moving without the ruin of the ending

Horror: a story capacity that causes terror or fear. aka Dracula or Frankenstein

So now you have made a decision on what genre. We need to form a short synopsis. It doesn’t have to be long just that you have an understanding where your story stands.

The first two steps are done now what. So how much do you like lists? Because that is the last step. I decided to create a list so that this post will take thousands of years to read.  I don’t use all of this when I world building but it helps if you hit a curb while writing.

Download here: Wordbuilding101

Next week, I will be doing character development. Enjoy!

Did you like what you read? Comment down what other writing advice I should do?