The Alphabet Book Tag

Welcome back, owl friends. This week I decided to do a book tag. The blog post is a bit late for today’s Monday post but at least I remembered to post it. XD The rules for this tag is that you have to name books that you own or have read. Going from A to Z. Please Enjoy! 🙂


A- Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery

B- Bleak House by Charles Dickens

C-Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Rye Brink

D- David Copperfield by Charles Dickens

E- Eragon by Christoper Paolini

F-For the Temple by G.A. Henty

G- Girl Defined by Kristen and Bethany Clark

H-Hamlet by Shakespeare

I- Ivanhoe by Walter Scott

J- Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

K- Kristian’s War by Peter Wisman

L- Les Miserable by Victor Hugo

M- Magnolia Story by Chip and Joanne Gaines

N-Not by Sight by Kate Breslin

O- On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness

P- Paradise Lost by John Milton

Q- Quiet by Susan Cain

R- Rose of Night by Hope Ann

S- Show Me by Gabriella Slade

T- To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

U-  N/A

V- N/A

W- White Fang by Jack London


Y- Young Pioneers by Rose Wilder Lane

Z- Z for Zachariah by Robert C. O’Brien

Inkheart by Cornelia Funke

Title: Inkheart

Author: Cornelia Funke

Point of View: Third Person View

Genre: Fantasy/Young Adult

Plot: One cruel night, Meggie’s father reads aloud from a book called Inkheart and an evil ruler escapes the boundaries of fiction and lands in their living room. Suddenly Meggie is smack in the middle of the kind adventure she only reads in books. Meggie must learn the harness of the magic that has conjured this nightmare. For only she can change the course of the story that has changed her life forever.

Language: There are around ten incidents where they are cursing.

Romance: N/A


(p.2) “Go on, admit it, the book whispers its story to you at night.”

(p.8) “Some books should be tasted Some devoured but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly

(p.15) If you take a book with you on a journey, an odd thing happens: The book begins collecting your memories. And forever after you have only to open that book to be back where you first read it. It will all come into your mind with the very first words: the sights you saw in that place, what it smelled like, the ice cream you ate while you reading it… yes, books are liking flying paper- memories cling to the printed page better than anything else.

Book rating: Four stars


Book tag: A to Z Tag

What is up, you guys? Welcome back to another weekly blog post. As you can see from the title, I am doing a book tag which I have not done for a long time. I found this tag on 


Author you’ve read the most books from:

Harry Potter or The Boxcar Children

Best Sequel Ever:

The Tower Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien

Currently Reading:

Show me by Gabriella Slade

Drink of Choice While Reading:

Mountain Dew/soda (night) Tea/water (day)

E-reader or Physical Book?

Physical book

Fictional Character You Probably Would Have Actually Dated In High School:

Snape or Darcy (my reaction to your reaction, I know I am crazy.)

Glad You Gave This Book A Chance:

Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier

Hidden Gem Book:

Not by Sight by Kate Breslin

Important Moment in your Reading Life:

Starting to reading consistently at the age of twelve.

Just Finished

Inkheart by Cornelia Funke

Kinds of Books You Won’t Read:

I typically don’t jump into romance books. It’s just that nowadays that people don’t understand that there is a thing called inappropriateness. If you know what I am talking about, why? Noone wants to read that. And if you do, why?

Longest Book You’ve Read:

Les Miserable by Victor Hugo

Major book hangover because of:

The One by Kiera Cass, the end felt as though it was rushed. I am like. Why? Why would you do that to me?

Number of bookcases

I have one.  The reason why is, half the books I get are from the library. I probably need around 2,000 dollars to buy all the books I have enjoyed. So if you want to buy me anything, an Amazon/Barnes and Noble gift card. *wink wink*

One Book You Have Read Multiple Times:

Carrie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Bank

Preferred Place To Read:

In bed.

Quote, that inspires you/gives you all the feels from a book you’ve read:

There’s some good left in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it’s worth fighting for.” – Samwise, Lord of the Rings

Reading Regret:

Following the trending books and getting disappointed. Believing they’re different than any other book today.

Series You Started And Need To Finish(all books are out in series):

The Ranger’s Apprentice by John Flanagan,  Lunar Chronicles, The Wingfeather Saga, The Giver Quartet, The Inheritance Cycle, Matched, Grisha Verse, Six of Crows, and Rebel of the Sands

Three of your All-Time Favorite Books:

The Odyssey by Homer

Kristian’s War by Peter Wisan

Martin Hospitality by Abigayle Claire

Unapologetic Fangirl For:

Mr. Darcy…

Very Excited For This Release More Than All The Others:

Worst Bookish Habit:

X Marks The Spot: Start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book: 

The Complete Novels of Jane Austen

Your latest book purchase:

The Theif, The Damsel, and The Dragon by Angela Watts

ZZZ-snatcher book (last book that kept you up WAY late):

Cinder by Marissa Meyers.


See ya next week. My people of the book community.

Not by Sight: Book Review

Title: Not by Sight

Synopsis: With Britain caught up in WWI, Jack Benningham, heir to the Earl of Stonebrooke, has declared himself a conscientious objector. Instead, he secretly works for the Crown by tracking down German spies on British soil, his wild reputation and society status serving as a foolproof cover.

Blinded by patriotism and concern for her brother on the front lines, wealthy suffragette Grace Mabry will do whatever it takes to assist her country’s cause. When she sneaks into a posh London masquerade ball to hand out white feathers of cowardice, she never imagines the chain of events she’ll set off when she hands a feather to Jack.

And neither of them could anticipate the extent of the danger and betrayal that follows them–or the faith they’ll need to maintain hope.

Genre: Romance, Historial, Christian Fiction

Language: mentioning of cursing


-kiss of the hand, a kiss between two people, mentioning of a prostitute

Rating: Five Stars

I was actually surprised by this book. I am not usually one who enjoys reading romance. Especially if it isn’t Amish romance, the only Christian romance I read. *hides in the corner* The book itself reminded me of Jane Eyre with a twist of the Phantom of Opera.

This book is the first book that surprised me with its plot twist. I promise I wouldn’t spoil it. This book is on my favorite reads of 2018.


See ya soon.



101 of Book reviewing

Welcome back. This week I will be writing the correct way of a book review. Or the way I prefer to write one. Take your pick, people.

For many years, I wrote book reviews like the summary of the book and the shortest nicest opinion of it even if I disliked the book. Because I so used to writing a book report or essay for school.  Now that I have written some reviews. I see the best way is to write honestly. Especially since I am a Christian, I should make sure I give warning to others so that they don’t read any sinful content. Even if you read only half of a book, you can write a book review even if the reason you choose to stop reading it for sinful content or cursing. There is no guideline against that.

The last thing you don’t want to do is be afraid of people who will judge you because of certain review. Especially since recently I read some people judging a book because of an author’s review of a popular young adult book. Haters are gonna hate. There will never be a time when someone will always love your book. The silly thing about it is half of the book reviewers was just basically copying and pasting other people reviews. The dumbest thing you can do online is to start a debate. Half the time, no one really cares what you are talking about.

One of the first things, you should write is the title of the book, author’s name, synopsis, and genre(s) because not everyone is going know what you are talking about.

Next stop mention all language, and romance in the book. This is helpful especially since you don’t want a young person reading a book meant for older people.

Lastly, I would mention your rating for that book and why is that.

The worst thing you can do in a book review is to rip the author’s story and believe something that is not even mentioned in the author’s bio. Even if it is the worst book you ever do. Never destroy an author’s reputation. Just because disliking book doesn’t mean you have to write hateful reviews about the author. There is an old saying we should have as a guideline for book reviews. If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.

Is there anything I missed? Comment down below what you do for book reviews.

Thanks for Reading!




The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate

Title: The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate

Author: Jacqueline Kelly

Author Bio: Jacqueline Kelly was born in New Zealand and raised in Canada. She is a practicing physician and now makes her home in Austin and Fentress, Texas. This is her first novel.  (Amazon bio of her, not mine)

Author Website:

Genre: Historial, Y/A, Children’s, Middle Grade, Fiction


“She needs to spend less time with your father and more time with me and Viola. I’ve already told her I’m going to supervise her cookery and her stitchery. We’ll have to have lessons. A new dish every week, I think.”   “Will we have to eat it?,” said Father. “Heh. Heh(220).” – Heh, heh. It’s probably one of the strangest things: I have seen so far. Could you have said giggled or something? It’s just really odd.

“And stop stamping about like that,” Mother called. “You’re not carrying the weight of the world, you know.”

Overall Opinion:

After finishing reading it, I noticed nowadays most girls (not all girls) can’t actually cook. I am probably going off topic. But still. Calpurnia was a tomboy who preferred science instead of the science of housewifery.  The strangest thing is that her mother tells her to learn to cook but throughout the story, there is no mention of her mother actually making a meal.  So, hmm. What is with that?

To finish this review, there are several incidents where cursing occurs.  I would rate this book a 3.9 mainly because it was slow but interesting read. 🙂

Thanks for reading! 🙂




London in the Dark One Year Birthday Celebration

Good morning, my fellow bloggers. I decided to help a girl out by doing a book review on London in the Dark by Victoria Lynn.

London in the Dark is now a one-year-old so she is doing a giveaway. 🙂


First Place winner must be in the United States only. The winner receives, one paperback autographed copy of London in the Dark, a London themed t-shirt of their choice from my Zazzle shop, and one Book Themed mug designed by me from my Zazzle shop.

2 Second place winners. Open internationally. Receives one ebook copy of London in the Dark.


<a class=”rcptr” href=”; rel=”nofollow” data-raflid=”a44877ea5″ data-theme=”classic” data-template=”” id=”rcwidget_w4hw0y18″>a Rafflecopter giveaway</a>


For WordPress users:

Also check out Grace’s blog to enter her personal giveway for a paperback copy of London in the Dark.

Let’s begin my book review:

Title: London in the Dark

Genre: Christian Fiction, Historial Fiction, Mystery


London, 1910

Budding Private Detective Cyril Arlington Hartwell has a conundrum. London is being ravaged by the largest run of thefts in recent history. His hunch that it is all tied together may put him and those he loves in more danger than he could have reckoned.

Olivia Larken Hartwell is just home from boarding school for the summer anticipating time with her adoring parents.She misses her absent brother, Cyril, hoping for the day he will finally come home. But tragedy strikes, causing upheaval for all concerned and changes her life in a way she never could have imagined.

Olivia, Cyril, and their friends must bring the hidden to light, seek to execute justice, and dispel the darkness that hovers over London… and their hearts.

Author bio:

Victoria Lynn is in her 20s and if she’s not writing, she is probably sewing, singing, playing the piano, washing dishes, creating something with her hands, or learning something new. She has a passion for serving her Creator, encouraging others and being creative. She blogs at about writing, fashion, modesty, her walk with God and life. She lives in Michigan with her parents and 8 siblings.


The book itself has a Sherlock Vibe. Since there is a detective (Cyril) and doctor (Dudley) and a landlady (Mrs.Hobbs).  It felt slow in the beginning but then the {spoiler removed} happened helped a lot.  At times, I really wanted to choke Cyril. One word to describe each character:

Olivia: Faithful

Cyril: Moody

Dudley: Kind-hearted

Mrs. Hobb: Caring

Favorite Quotes:

Cyril folded his arm and rested the side of his head against the window of the swiftly moving train. The faint light of early dawn illuminated the countryside just enough to make it a dizzy blur as it passed by his sight. (p. 223, Kindle Edition) Love the description.

As she plunged into the song, her fingers traveled over the keys at a rapid pace, tinkling out the lovely scales and melodies. She lost herself in the music, drowning in the special feeling of creating something beautiful. (p. 24, Kindle Edition)

Book Rating: 4.5

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys clean mysteries.

Thanks for Reading! 🙂




Book Review: Beasts of Extraordinary Circustance


Welcome back, Y’all. Last week, I read this beautiful book. You guys should check out Book of the Month.  You can pick one new hardback book each month. The great thing about is that your first book when you join is free. Each extra book cost $9.99.

Title: Beasts of Extraordinary Circumstances

Author: Ruthie Emmie Lang

Genre: Fantasy Fiction, Magical Realism

Summary: The narrators of this story are those who have encountered the main character, Weylyn Grey.  Weylyn who is raised by wolves learns he is so much different than everybody else. He discovers he can control the weather by stopping a tornado in Oklahoma single handlely. Through the book, he learns new things about himself that is a blessing but a danger to those he cares for.

So to get things started. The main reason, I bought this book was because I usually don’t read books with magic realism in it. The book itself had a “Disney” Jungle book vice to it. It’s quite interesting. There really isn’t magic involved in the book so if you are against witchcraft. You can read it without worry. I was considerately happy with this story because it had little romance and little language which is hard to find in most books nowadays. I can’t wait to read more books by her.

My book rating: Five Stars, A new favorite


Hope you enjoyed reading this book review. Comment below what book I should review next.

Thanks for reading!







TBR Shame Tag

So in this tag, you are to write all the unread books on your bookshelves. I tag anyone. The good thing about the shame tag is half the books I have on my “to read” I don’t own. I usually go to the library to get them.

  1. Hood by Lawhead
  2. Spies Among Us by Agatha Christe
  3. The Silmarillion by Tolkien
  4. The Incorrigible Children by  Maryrose Wood
  5. Seek With All Your Heart by Beth Wiseman
  6. Howard’s End by E.M. Forster
  7. The Mysterious Affair At Styles by Agatha Christe
  8. Murder at the Vicarage by Agatha Christe
  9. The End by Lemony Snicket
  10. Miss Marple Meets Murder by Agatha Christe
  11. Suprise Endings by Hercule Poirot by Agatha Christe
  12. Murder on Board by Agatha Christe
  13. Plain Paradise
  14. New Dawn on Rocky Ridge by Roger Lea Macbride
  15. The Age of Innocent by Edith Wharton
  16. Five Great Dialogues by Plato
  17. Selected Lives and Essays by Plutarch
  18. The Most of P.G. Wodehouse by P.G. Wodehouse
  19. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
  20. Emma by Jane Austen
  21. Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen
  22. Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
  23. Modern Essentials
  24. The Tea Book by Louie Cheadle and Nick Kilby


And there you have it. 24 books of 86 books. Not including textbooks and cookbooks.

What books are on your to read books?




The Name Book Tag

I found this tag on Madi’s blog. The purpose of this book tag is to spell out our name with book titles. I will use my name, Sunny Houk.


S- Songs in our Memories by R.A. Rooney

Songs In Our Memories (a novelette)


U- Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand



N-Number the Stars by Lois Lowry




N- Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen



Y- The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman





H- Halt’s Peril by John Flanagan


O-Olympus at War by Kate O’Hearn


U- Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe


K– Kristian’s War by Peter Wisan

Kristian's War (The Searchers Series, #1)


Thanks for reading!