Rapid Fire Book Tag

I know its been awhile since I did a book tag. A very long time. Here you go, hopefully I will posting more on books soon.

Question 1: E-Book or Physical Book?

It really depends. If the ebook is free or under five dollars. I will buy it. If not, I will read a physical book.

Question 2: Paperback or Hardback?

Paperback since Hardback is too expensive. Unless I find them a cheaper price at a thift store.

Question 3: Online or In-Store Book Shopping?

Online is safer since I can see how much it actually cost before I check out.

Question 4: Trilogies or Series?

I read more trilogies than series. So trilogies all the way!

Question 5: Heroes or Villains?

Both. It really depends if I like them or not.

Question 6: A book you want everyone to read?


The Lord of the Rings by Tolkien or The Odyssey by Homer.

Question 7: Recommend an underrated book?

The Crucible by Arthur Miller or The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Question 8: The last book you finished?

Journey by Accident by R.A. Rooney

Question 9: The Last Book(s) You Bought?

Enjoy the Poddle Skirt by Kate Willis

Question 10: Weirdest Thing You’ve Used as a Bookmark?

Gum wrapper, candy wrapper, hair tie, or a rock

Question 11: Used Books: Yes or No?

Yes, the cheaper the better.

Question 12: Top Three Favourite Genres?

Real Classics, Fanasty, Poetry

Question 13: Borrow or Buy?

Borrowed by Library. Buy if I have already read it or I have enough confidence it won’t be a waste of my money.

Question 14: Characters or Plot?

Plot. I read books because the plot interests me. Don’t really care for the characters until half way through the book.

Question 15: Long or Short Books?

It really depends if I am committed to read the book or not.

Question 16: Long or Short Chapters?

Short Chapters!

Question 17: Name The First Three Books You Think Of…

Martin Hospitality by Abigayle Claire,  King Arthur and the Round Table by Roger Lancelyn Green, The Odessey by Homer

Question 18: Books That Makes You Laugh or Cry?

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. Almost made me cry and I never cry while reading books.

Question 19: Our World or Fictional Worlds?


Question 20: Audiobooks: Yes or No?

I never tried. So I would not know.

Question 21:

Do You Ever Judge a Book by its Cover?

Sometimes. Its really the plot that gets me to read something.

Question 22: Book to Movie or Book to TV Adaptations?

Book to Movie. I haven’t watched any book to TV adaptations

Question 23: A Movie or TV-Show You Preferred to its Book?


Question 24: Series or Standalone?

Both. It depends….


Thanks for reading! What book tag or tags should I do next?


A Reminder (A poem of mine)

People call me weird.
People judge

When one shouldn’t judge others.
Like a mannequin on display
I stand there
Waiting, hoping for their approval.
Where there should be none.

Your life should not be surrounded by the world.

Your life is your life.

Given by God.

Don’t wait for someone to let you live.

Live for yourself.

Don’t change your body

So that you are loved by others.

Be yourself.

Rock your style.

You are worthy.

Don’t be afraid of the wolves

Hidden in the crowds.

Be fearless.

Stand tall.

You are worthy.


Thanks for reading. 🙂





New Writing Project

So the last few posts, I have mentioned I was working on the second book of a series I am writing. But currently, I have closed that writing project since difficulties I have occurred.  Mainly because I want to write in a different genre. Or really because I might have to rewrite the story all over again.

Either way, I started a new book. I plan on publishing as an ebook. It’s a contemporary mystery. The story is for an older audience since there is mentioning of tattoos, drinking, and human tracking.  If you are interested in reviewing it, let me know.

This story was actually based on a short story I wrote called Cursed. It is mainly about how society destroys a woman’s perspective of herself. Sometimes leading to self-harm and on occasion, suicidal thoughts.


 Lynn, the main protagonist is a high school drop out. After suffering from self-harm, self-abuse, and suicidal thoughts.  The story begins ten months later, after coming out of rehab.
The synopsis of the story is:
When one of Lynn’s friends disappears, she begins to track down her. Soon to discover a scandalous organization is behind all of it. Slowly killing each leader of the pack, she discovers her life is more threated. Will she protect her friends or will she be the next victim?
Tell me your thoughts in the comments down below.


Monthly check/ Feb. Goals

This month was interesting.

1. Only on Sundays did I put my  hairdown. So epic fail. ;/  Yesterday, I cut my hair. So there is no possibility of putting it up.

2. So I read seven books this month. Its mainly because I had a reading slump after reading The One by Kiera Cass. Which is always fun. :/

3. So I have started taking photos aka self portraits of myself.

4. I have started reading the bible more. Still in Genesis but getting there.

5. So I have not touched the sequel to The Crown of Scales. But I have idea for the third book for the Crown of Scales series. Last Saturday, I had a new book idea. It will most likely be a thriller. Which is always fun. Lets have some nightmares. I might hold off from rewriting and start my new book idea but who knows.

February Goals

1. Write something anything.

2. Buy candy after Valentines’ Day because sales. 😀

That’s it. Because I will be surprised if I don’t procrastinate at all. This month.



Advice for New Teens

The day has already come and you are now a teenager. You are so happy. No longer are you called a “kid.” You are so excited because all the expectations of a teenager are spinning in your head. Then bam, reality hits in and you are thrown into a black hole of the unknown. Where pimples or acne begin to pop up. Where makeup slowly journeys to your life as a new obsession (if you are a girl).When you experience growth spurts of any kind. Where crushes begin to form. The awkward stage of life. Still deciding whether or not to hang out with the younger crowd or the older crowd.

Hi, I been there. I know the struggle and you are not alone. Here is advice for all teens.

  • Confidence. You laugh now but there will be times in life especially in the teens that all self-confidence disappears. When you look at society guidelines for the image of a man or woman. A flat stomach, abs, tiny waist, big butt, no facial fat. No fatty thighs, etc. You hate yourself. Where eating disorders and self-harm sometimes occur. Be yourself. Don’t care what the world thinks.

Image result for confidence

  •  Make friends. I am introvert so friends are a bit difficult to find. Several years after becoming a teen, I actually created a circle of friends.  So I suck at this advice. Find a group that is the same age as you. Start with small talk and work your way up.
  • Dating. So I never dated when I was a teen. First reason, it’s a distraction especially when you need to be focusing on school.  Things can happen that change your life. Today we see girls getting pregnant during middle school and highschool.  It just got real. Many people will disagree with me. But I am just warning you.
  • School. Life begins to get crazy from middle school to highschool. Getting bad grades because you didn’t you your time right. I am guilty of procantising to never last day. Its not good.  Please do your school. Just don’t lazy about it. It still necessary in your life. You need those grades to go to college or find a job.  Education is important without how is one to do life? Hmm.
  • Parents. Teens years is not to rebel or go against wishes. Respect them.  You will thank me later.
  • Take care of yourself. Brush your teeth. Wash your hair. Keep your hygiene. Don’t become a couch potato.


Any advice I forget? Tell me in the comments below.





Writing Contest

So I have decided to a writing contest on here. Basically, I will be sending out a picture/prompt to you all and you have to write a six-word sentence from it.  The prize will be a shoutout of your entry on my Instagram. So comment down below your sentence. Good luck.


Your character kidnapped Liam Stone because your boss wants revenge on Liam's father for putting him his jail. Your character has been ordered to make sure Liam doesn't escape. (Keep it clean. Not dystopian. Modern day.)
Image from Pinterest


Writing Contest ends April 30, 2018. Good luck.



Journal Entry 2

I am on a quest. A quest to find what I am. Taking photos of buildings, faces, and stuff in general. Studying up the art of tea. Possibly doing a business management degree. Honestly, I have no idea.

From chef, firefighter, counselor, lobbyist, teacher, vet, neurologist, photographer, and surgical tech. I don’t know what I want to be.

I am like a wheel of fortune still finding my dream career. Like one thing than several months later change my mind.

At the moment, I have some type of freelance business surrounded by tea, books, writing, and photography. Still, unknow of the details. Since just thought of it yesterday.

I am still on a quest on my calling. Still questioning the possibilities.

Seriously how does one know what they are going to be? Like the internet, states answer these few questions and then you will know.  But what if you don’t know the questions? What now?

I still don’t know what I am. In terms of what my career is.

I feel the odd person out when people talk about college. I don’t know. I literally went there. Unrelatable with those conversations.  Like what am I supposed to be?

Indecisive in myself. My dream career is scattered everywhere. I don’t know what, to begin with.

Follow your passion. Be you. Being patient is the key.

I really don’t know.



You are sitting there alone with a book in one hand and a cup of tea in the other. Then all of a sudden, someone lends over to you and examines what you are doing.  “Hey, why are you sitting alone? I thought you said you are going on a date.”

You laugh at yourself. Date? Who said anything about a date? You shake your head as you place your cup on the table in front of you. “No, you must be talking about my other friend.”

Have you ever been questioned about your singleness? I have.

When you have a family get together and your grandparents wonder why you are not courting/dating. The thought drives you crazy. You are not alone in this matter.

When the people you hang out are soon to be married. You feel like a third wheel.

But we should not confine on what they speak of. We should be working on our calling. Writing, accounting, engineering, etc.

Before we even start fixing our social status, we should first start by getting close to God. Read in His Word. Mediate on it. Trust in Him. We can’t do anything without having full trust in Him.

Good advice to single girls: "Get close to God first, before getting close to anyone else. God without a man is still God, but a man without God is nothing." ❤️

Singleness isn't a season to "endure" until marriage, but a season to serve God to the best of our ability. @girldefined

Are you struggling with singleness? I recommend you to watch  Girl Defined on Youtube. Also check out their book.



What every girl needs for a camping trip

When I was younger, my family would go camping all the time. But now that my family has grown and that we moved to the country. Our backyard is a camping ground itself.

Lets begin:

  1. Food and snacks (of course, food)
  2. Swimwear (two piece or one piece) I would pack two pairs just in case.
  3. Rain jacket
  4. Hoodie (Even if it is in the dead of summer)
  5. Several pairs of sport bras
  6. Several pairs of underwear
  7. 3 pairs of pants (yoga, jeans, shorts, etc)
  8. Some t-shirts and long sleeves
  9. Some tank tops
  10. Extras: toothbrush, brush, hair ties, shampoo, etc
  11. Shoes: Tevas, flip flops, hiking boots (running shoes)
  12. A Towel
  13. Sunglasses
  14. Flashlight/batteries
  15. Robe
  16. Tent (of course)
  17. Sleeping Bag
  18. A Pillow
  19. A blanket
  20. Bug repellent
  21. A camera
  22.  Two Pairs of PJs.
  23. A backpack of course maybe two.
  24. Cash
  25. Some music for the trip
  26. A book(s)
  27. Appliances (Pots, Pans, Silverware, Paper bowls, paper plates, etc)

If there is anything I missed, comment below. Also comment below your favorite memory going camping.


Journal Entry

Name: Sunny

Date: 1/15/2018

                    Today I realized one cannot live in the past but the present. Let us hope for the future. Whatever God decides for us to be. Let it be. Sometimes things don’t go our way. It is not our choice but God’s. Trust in Him always. Even if times now look as though they are the worst. Keep walking in faith. Don’t look back. Trust in Him.

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV #ThrownThroughThrew #TripleTJourney

This is a clear reminder to all of us. When you are struggling to faith in Him. When you are struggling to get up in the morning to do life. When you believe your life is worthless. Look to Him.

http://www.Facebook.com/fitteamenjoylife  #fitteamenjoylife #fitteam4life www.fitteam.takeactioninhealth.com

I struggle by looking back in the past and try to recreate something which is not. Be grateful for where God has placed you. Don’t try to be something you are not.


Memories of loss or memories of the past, in general, can push away our present goals into a pit. We need to keep walking. Things will get better. Just have faith in Him.